Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 1 PC 1 Year GLOBAL

Stay safe from internet-born dangers, including all types of viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware and sophisticated ransomware attacks that attempt to steal and encrypt your most precious files. Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 gives you the best protection without any drag on your system's resources. This means unmatched security plus uncompromising speed and performance in the same package. Switch on Autopilot and your Bitdefender will run your cyber-security by itself, without nagging dialog boxes and alerts. It also comes with the all-new Wi-Fi Security, which tells you whether the hotspots you connect to while on the go are safe. Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 provides features to safeguard your private life, such as firewall, Parental Advisor and file encryption. And, with Autopilot on, Bitdefender automatically takes the best decisions to protect your family, your data, your online transactions and your privacy.